After a glacially long and cold New England winter, spring deserves some sunny celebrations! Yellow is the theme of the season from a pot of pansies and tulips on the front steps . . .

. . . to a little patch of marsh marigolds blooming in the rain garden . . .

Who knew there are so many shades of yellow? I thought that these open
Tulipa tarda blossoms epitomize happy, sunny yellow.

But yellow comes in milky, orangey, even greenish shades. There is the slightly sulfurous hue of these freckled
Iris danfordiae!
This neon bright, knock your socks off yellow of narcissus "Marieke" seizes center stage.

(But how much nicer when that daffodil diva is consigned to a supporting role for narcissus "Ice King"!)

And which yellow flower tells you that it's time to get pruning, edging, and cleaning? My
garden goal-roll says it's the forthysia. Too bad mine is such a poor bloomer. My next chore is to replace it.