Some plants, though, I just can't consider to be weeds. Ever. The pristine blossoms of star-of-Bethlehem Ornithogalum umbellatum give it a free ride where ever it wants to go. Even smack dab in the middle of the lawn is perfectly okay.

Same goes for woodland phlox, jack-in-the-pulpit, and mayflower.

On the other hand, Japanese knotweed Polygonum cuspidatum is never welcome, any time or any place. After almost two years of battling this beast, I have practically eradicated all vestiges along the side property line. And, I am proud to say, without the assistance of herbicides--all natural, hand-pulled goodness. A few weak shoots poke up every few days, but nothing that can't be corrected by a gentle tug.
So I am happily too late to take advantage of these Japanese knotweed recipes offered by the New England Wild Flower Society
What is more primal than physically consuming your enemy? Bet these recipes taste delicious!
I think I prefer my Rhubarb, but keep up the good work pulling out the knot weed shoots. I hope you can persuade the neighbors to do the same.
Down my street a couple of front yards are completely overrun with this stuff, and I found some shoots sprouting in some freshly tipped soil only 50 yards away from our house. I don't know why the houseowners don't do something about it. If we are not vigilant it will take over everywhere!
Absolutely! It is so invasive. Once colonized, you have keep at control constantly. I have seen active growth from a 1/2 inch length of root fragment. In the U.K. it is illegal to cause its spread!
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