Showers over the past few days have put the raingarden through its paces. The verdict? It works. At this early stage, it may not look like much--a little trench of muck holding rather ungraceful lines of irises, marsh marigolds
Caltha palustris, mallows, and a scattering of black-eyed Susans
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii "Goldsturm"--but there is greenery, growth, and even a few flowers.

These Siberian irises "Butter and Sugar" are lighting up one end. They were the more plebian but who-cares-because-they're-blooming substitution for the exotic but oh-so-unavailable-from-any-nursery "Aichi no Kagayaki" cross of
Iris pseudacorus x Iris ensata that I had planned on planting.

Another eco-system joins the little patches of meadow and woodland in my backyard.
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