So I am always looking for plants with bright-colored foliage or flowers to light up these dark areas. This fall's dreamy companion is Anemone blanda "Honorine Jobert." But the lovefest didn't start out so well.

Our initial meeting was marred by opposing expectations: I was looking for a late-flowering plant to put in a sunny spot; it wanted shade. After enduring a few progressively less happy weeks being blasted with heat and sun, these anemones needed desperately to find refuge in a sheltered spot. That concession occurred a year ago and, to celebrate our anniversary this fall, they have sent out a flush of blooms. The secret to this happy relationship? Yes, it's location, location, location . . . and acceptance of our differences.
Love the blog. You have an amazing skill with words, photography, and gardening, though I don't know much about it. Is the picture at the top one you took as well?
It is a pretty little anemone. It's satisfying when you find just the right place for a plant, and it flourishes.
Thanks, Simon. The picture at the top is mine, too. It's growing on my front step.
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