Showers are forecast for four of the next five days, which leads me to think about plans for my raingarden. Here is a revision that incorporates my
first plant order of the season.

Can't wait for the weather to warm, skies to clear, snow to melt, and winter to be gone!
It'll be a super combination of colours. I discovered the English name for Joe Pye Weed is ... you guessed it...Joe Pye Weed. But I also realised why it looked vaguely familiar - it's related to Hemp Agrimony, which is - as I'm sure you know - a common wildflower. (I remember you prowling round Norfolk with yr copy of the Collins Guide to the Wildflowers of Britain and N. Europe.)
Okay, what's more frightening--that your memory is so dang sharp or that I recorded the event? According to marginalia in my copy of McClintock's pocket guide, my prowlings led me to hemp agrimony on the banks of the River Wensum in North Elmham on August 25, 1977. Now I like it even more!
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