This brawny florist's cyclamen has been in bloom for a month. We have a deal: I'll soak it once a week in the kitchen sink and it can stay around as long as it flowers. Our relationship is respectful, businesslike, and free of commitments. I like that.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A mass of white butterflies--or maybe, more seasonally, snowflakes--comes to rest on my dining room table.

This brawny florist's cyclamen has been in bloom for a month. We have a deal: I'll soak it once a week in the kitchen sink and it can stay around as long as it flowers. Our relationship is respectful, businesslike, and free of commitments. I like that.
This brawny florist's cyclamen has been in bloom for a month. We have a deal: I'll soak it once a week in the kitchen sink and it can stay around as long as it flowers. Our relationship is respectful, businesslike, and free of commitments. I like that.
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That sounds like the perfect relationship!
You made me laugh! They are so beautiful, and it is great to appreciate them while they bloom, and then bye-bye. :<)
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