Despite the beautiful weekend weather, parental duties (Go Knights! Hoya Saxa!) kept me out of town and out of the garden. Some of my favorite blue-flowered bulbs began spring celebrations in my absence. A line of grape hyacinths (
Muscari sp.) interspersed with larkspur seedlings--a future blue--edges one bed.

On my little hill, a small wave of squills (
Scilla siberica) is replacing the earlier tide of snowdrops.

After they bloom, I leave this area unmown until the Fourth of July. It's my twelve square feet of meadow.
Your blues are lovely!
Did you have a frost last night? We were below 30 when I got up. Maine gardens aren't safe until the end of May at least. I worked out today, cleaning beds and moving plants around, as I am apt to do!
Enjoy your "warmer" zone!
Hello from Charleston, SC...I've just spent the last hour going over your blog. You have a wonderful garden! One of your posts mentions Southern gardening and it's difference. check out my blog at It's not as nice as yours, and my poor little yard can't compare, but I thought you might like to see what's blooming down here right now. It's so interesting to see the ice and snow in your pictures. Spring is already over here as the temps move into the consistent mid 80s. You are so lucky...
The blues are lovely. And truthfully I miss all the spring flowers right now during this trip. Texas is definitely deep into summer.
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