1. Thank the catalog companies for saving one's sanity with those over-the-top plant porn photos. Despite my resulting fantasies (to the extent allowed to a middle-aged member of "God's frozen people"), I've ordered only tobacco "Perfect Mix" (Nicotiana x sanderae) from Select Seeds and sweet pea "Old Spice" (Lathyrus odoratus) and evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) from Johnny's Selected Seeds. I am sticking to seeds that can be direct sown in the garden.
Okay, I did slip for a fuchsia "Gartenmeister Bonstedt," too. Caught me.
2. Turn the compost pile. At least, that thing is steaming!
3. Mulch the rose and peonies with boughs lopped off the Christmas tree on its way out the door. Finally, the ground has frozen, so it's time to insulate those roots under a deep spruce blanket.
4. Dream of summer . . .

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