. . . and I'm not limiting myself to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. No, I mean the blue--or almost blue--tones of late summer flowers. Sadly, I've got the blues this year from some of my favorites' failure to thrive: the larkspur has been effectively eliminated by rabbit predation and the blue flag iris sent up only a single flower. But other cultivars have fared fair better.
Salvia farinacea "Victoria Blue" |
Spiky clumps of annual blue salvia flourish just about anywhere they are planted. They look great--even when menaced by storm clouds--at the front of a mixed bed.
Phlox paniculata "Blue Paradise" |
This garden phlox, "Blue Paradise," continues to bloom into September. The individual flowers change color depending upon light conditions: a deeply saturated blue violet at dawn and dusk, a paler purple at midday. The petals stripe and blotch and cloud with different tones.
Great Blue Lobelia Lobelia siphilitica |
I need to cleave out more space for this Great Blue Lobelia
Lobelia siphilitica, which is busily colonizing the inner angle of the rain garden. The fellow was picked up two years ago from
Bartram's Garden outside of Philadelphia. Yes, its growing habit is uncouth and its flower heads are large and coarse--but, oh, that color!
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