As if I needed more reasons to adore daffodils--what, their sunny colors, pest resistance, and willingness to naturalize aren't enough?--this year, I learned that season-stretching should be added to the plus column. From April to June, I've enjoyed fifty delightful days of daffodils. A longer run is no doubt possible, if you were a more intentional and intelligent gardener than I.
So, here's a fast paced run-down of what was in bloom and when. No commentary other than the names of the varieties and the dates of the photographs . . . that says it all.
"Marieke" April 16
"White Medal" April 24
"Ice King" April 27

"Hawara" April 28
"Pheasant's Eye" April 28
"Minnow" April 29
"Ceylon" May 1
"Mount Hood" May 3
"Tete a Tete" May 6
"Thalia" June 4
The month of May looks a little sparse. Maybe I don't need any additional reasons, but now I have an excuse at least to plant a few more bulbs.