Monday, May 09, 2011

Drive-by shootings

My workday commute is about three miles, door to door.  In a New England rush hour blizzard, the trip can take three hours.  More typically, thankfully, I'm in the car for about a half hour.  Lots of other commuters travel the same roads, so there is plenty of stop and start driving.  Sometimes when I'm waiting at a red light, I'll see an example of  horticultural horribleness, but more often, I glance over to see something that makes me think, "Wow!  What a great idea!"  I grab my camera and take a quick shot before stepping on the gas pedal.

Like this little raised bed, bounded by an asphalt driveway, concrete sidewalk, and a stockade fence. The play of the deep rose color of dangling dicentra flowers and upright tulips, kicked off with chartreuse foliage--is that a euphorbia?--and a breeze of white daffodils energized the start to the work day.

And passing this mossy copse of paper birches makes me appreciate that my route goes by mansions inhabited by folks with buckets of money to spend on whimsical gardening.

Of course, topping off a wall with masses of spring bulbs is a guaranteed bulls-eye! It's hard to miss with daffodils, grape hyacinths, and beautifully-laid stone.

Wonder what drive-by thoughts our little patch inspires.


Commonweeder said...

In our neighborhood a Secret Sharer planted hundred of daffodils along Route 2 about four years ago. All have multiplied of course, giving pleasure to the many who commute for miles along that road.

Doctor Mom said...

Hurray for random acts of kindness!

Macy said...