Now that I've removed the hyacinth bulbs that have been chilling in the refrigerator since November and have arrayed them in green, amber, purple, and clear glass vases on a silver tray, I'm wondering why I ordered so few bulbs and why of just a single variety. Where did I think that my head would be in early March? Didn't I remember what cold, grey, gloomy late winter is like in New England? Couldn't I have added a few--or a dozen--more?

I do love how light passes through the jewel-like forcing glasses and is reflected by the tray's mirrored surface. Yes, these vases will eventually look even more lovely with pinky-orange "Gipsy Queen" holding court. There I go again, forgetting the flowers!

I do love how light passes through the jewel-like forcing glasses and is reflected by the tray's mirrored surface. Yes, these vases will eventually look even more lovely with pinky-orange "Gipsy Queen" holding court. There I go again, forgetting the flowers!