Mid-March, and it's difficult to reconcile the sheet of ice still slicking the backyard with the maroon ticker counting down to a final frost date at right. However, lengthening days, bulbs nosing up through the dirt, and sights of (sadly not my) witch hazel in bloom signal the start of the season.
I celebrated getting back to composting with a past-their-prime bouquet of daffodils.

And last--or nearly last--plant orders were placed. A holiday gift certificate to White Flower Farm went to two dahlias (Dahlia Karma Choc and American Dawn--what are gift certificates for but heedless splurging? ) and three
Thymus serpyllum Coccineus. This pink-flowering creeping thyme grows happily along the the edge of the front retaining wall. In the winter, its green leaves change to a deep shade of purple. So more, I say! Let's start the season!