Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Suficiente Hyacinthoides hispanica

Last fall, I planted 50 bulbs of  Hyacinthoides hispanica "Dainty Maid" in a partly shady garden bed along the side property line.  My idea was to use these Spanish hyacinths as replacements for a scatter of rabbit-ravaged tulips.  

Come May, the Spanish hyacinths are in bloom. They do supply a modest flecking of pink between a couple of ripening peonies and a blue-budding Amsonia hubrichtii.  Nothing spectacular, nothing as bells and whistles show-stopping as a spring stand of Darwin tulips--just an adequate bit of color.  Suficiente

And that's quite okay.  By this time of year, I'm not so visually starved that I crave the big bright gulps of color offered by garish purple, orange, and red tulips and acid-yellow daffodils.  My palette is now able to appreciate a more delicate and frothy confection.  Sufficient is just fine.


wedding-time said...

nice photos,beautiful flowers!

Crissa said...

I live the shade of the flowers. Lovely. sheds